I am the author of the Spark Award-winning novel, The Storytellers; The Celestine Chronicles, a fantasy series for middle grade readers of which Book III: Seer of the Guilde is the most recent release; and The Crystal Keeper, an adult high fantasy series.
I also have two young adult titles out, Contact and Petals, as well as two non-fiction titles, Teaching Kids to Write Well: Six Secrets Every Grown-Up Should Know and The Kids' Guide to Writing Fiction.
In addition to writing, I am the former Editor-in-Chief of Middle Shelf Magazine: Cool Reads for Kids, which won the 2016 Maggie Award for Best Digital Magazine, and the Senior Editor of Skyrocket Press.
I am a homeschool mom of 5 kids, 2 of whom are grown-up now. I have a Master's degree in English from Cal State Northridge, and I currently teach English Composition at College of the Canyons in Southern California. I enjoy Broadway musicals, digital scrapbooking, genealogy, and ancient history.
The question I hear most often is "How do you find time to write?" In all honesty, I have no idea. I guess if I didn't write, I'd go nuts. My kids know that if Mommy doesn't get a little time to herself every day, she gets cranky. And when I get cranky, the only thing that can remedy the situation is a bar of Godiva chocolate.