Wednesday, August 3, 2011


by Andrew Smith
Fiewel & Friends
358 pp.
Ages: 14 & up

Seventeen-year-old Jack goes to a party with his friend and gets drunk. He falls asleep on a bench, then gets kidnapped. Jack escapes and then travels to England where he meets Henry, who gives him a strange pair of glasses that enable him to travel to an alternate world called Marbury. While there, Jack has to protect two younger children named Griffin and Ben, and survive himself.

REVIEW by Marcum Reyes (Laurisa's 14-year-old son)

It was the best book I've ever read. I think that Mr. Smith captured the way teenagers think, speak and react to major and minor things. The story was really good. It was a real page-turner because it was two alternate worlds and I wanted to know what was happening in both. I read the whole book in seven hours. Unfortunately there is a lot of profanity and some pretty descriptive sexual stuff. Still, I couldn't put it down. I really liked the Scavengers (giant flesh eating beetles) and the action in the book. Oh, and by the way - mind the Gap.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Profantiy: Heavy
Violence: Moderate
Sex: Heavy

1 comment:

  1. Wow - Best book he's ever read? Must be pretty engaging. :) Scavenger beetles? Eeek! It doesn't sound like my kind of book, but then again--I'm not a teen. LOL

    I like that this review is given by someone in the projected readership age. :)

    Thank you for the review, Marcum. (Although I have no idea what mind the Gap means. lol)
