Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I am currently in between projects, and it's driving me crazy. I finished a serious revision of CONTACT (my YA paranormal manuscript) a week before Christmas. I printed it out and gave it to my 18-year-old daughter to read through. In the meantime, I refuse to look at it. The text needs a chance to rest, to breathe, before I tackle yet another revision. For me, the down time between projects is the hardest part of writing - because I'm not writing.

It's not that I'm doing nothing. I've been working on plotting another fantasy novel called THE SEER OF THE GUILDE (part of The Celestine Chronicles series). But it's far from being ready to begin the actual writing process. And I need to wait another few weeks before I'm ready to revise CONTACT again. I feel like my four-year-old on Christmas Eve, chomping at the bit to open all those presents, but having to wait. It is during these down times that I pace the floor, eat everything in sight, spend too much time reading Facebook, and procrastinating everything I'm supposed to do (like laundry, dishes, etc.)

To help alleviate the nervous tension I feel, I've made a list of tasks to work on:

1.  Write a bunch of blog posts and schedule them ahead of time
2.  Write three guests posts for my favorite book blogs
3.  Complete the Author Questionnaire for my publisher (Done!)
4.  Work on my new website
5.  Finish my 2011 Family Photo Album
6.  Outline my school visit presentation
7.  Make a list of all the schools in my area and their contacts
8.  Finish the outline for THE SEER OF THE GUILDE

What do you do when you're in between projects, whether it's writing, reading books, crafts, sewing, etc?


  1. What a great list. You are the queen of the multi-taskers. I'm sure it won't be long before a new story you can't resist comes knocking at your amazing brain. Happy New Year.

  2. Funny you should say that, Leslie. I was up late last night talking to my dad (the ultimate storyteller) and we brainstormed an amazing book project he's been toying with for 35 years. We came up with a solid plan and I could hardly sleep last night because I was so excited! So, I guess I'm not between projects anymore. :)

  3. Even when I'm between projects, I'm not REALLY between projects because I'm always outlining/note-taking/etc. on the next one. That being said, it's different than when I'm actually WRITING -- when the outline is finished, the notes are scribbled, everything's RIGHT THERE and all I have to do is write it. That's the best part, isn't it?
