Thursday, February 16, 2012


The 2012-13 Starcherone Prize for Innovative Fiction, offering $1500 and publication with Starcherone Books, begins accepting entries October 1, 2011

Contest is open to story collections, novels, or indeterminate prose works up to 400 pages. Manuscripts will be blind-judged; the author's name should appear on the first of two title pages and nowhere else in the manuscript. Do not include an Acknowledgment page in your manuscript. There is an administrative fee of $35. Please do not send cash. The postmark deadline is February 17, 2012. The winner will be announced in August 2012. All finalists will be considered for publication with Starcherone Books. See our ad in the January-February 2012 issue of Poets & Writers Magazine.

Entry Directions

Snail Mail
There will be a reading fee of $35. Please do not send cash. The contest is blind-judged, so the author's name and contact information should appear on title page and nowhere else in manuscript. (Please also remove mentions of previous excerpt publications from manuscripts; do not include acknowledgment pages.) A second title page with only the manuscript title should also be included. A separate document should provide a short author bio/publication history. Please mail to:

STARCHERONE FICTION PRIZE, Starcherone Books, P.O. Box 303, Buffalo, NY 14201-0303

Send your reading fee of $35 to the above snail mail address. Then send your manuscript as an email attachment to Please send the manuscript either as an Adobe pdf file or an MS Word file. In your email, give your name and contact information, as well as the title of your manuscript and a short author bio/publication history. Include only the title on your manuscript, with no mention of the author's name. If you wish, include a self-addressed postcard for notification that we have received both your manuscript and fee, as well as the SASE for contest results. Any questions may also be referred to

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